Monday, September 20, 2021

Did Jesus Exist? Any 1st Century of Evidence?

An Interview with Dr. Robert Price

Dr. Price is a 2x PhD. in Theology and is known for his stance that Jesus of Nazareth did not exist at all. In this clip, we discuss how the dying and rising motifs were already a popular genre before the 1st century and why so many famous authors of the 1st century never mention Jesus of Nazareth, yet Paul claims 500 eyewitnesses saw him after his Crucifixion.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

How Many People Did God Kill In The Bible

Just discovered this video listing the number of people and non-human animals "God" is responsible for murdering in the bible in very many psychotic ways.

Amazing how many people still pray to this invisible deity, obviously created by blood-thirsty men, to justify the evil they want to commit. So far, we've counted 21,687,343 people "God" murdered. 

The Kings James Bible